Le ance di Ivan sono state una rivelazione. Ho trovato esattamente quello di cui necessitavo ed è stato molto bello poter sviluppare un modello personalizzato. Spero che la nostra collaborazione possa essere utile anche ad altri fagottisti che si approcciano al sistema francese.
Un caro saluto
Akio TSUJIsettembre 2024
Mr Ivan’s fantastic reeds sound great on my baroque bassoon with mellow and authentic sounds. Besides, any other reeds (e.g. old buffet) are also much better than expected. I always treat my orders promptly. They are easy to get even if I live in Japan.
Chris Rawleymaggio 2023
Excellent reeds. Every Reed I have received has worked very well indeed.
Ivan is hugely knowledgeable and has been available to suggest reeds that would suit my instruments. He has also been able to tailor the reeds to my specific needs.
I have used reeds on my Baroque Bassoon (Denner), Classicla (Savary), Romantic (Alder, Hecke, Buffet) and my modern instrument (Heckel 14000)
I have used his reeds in the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Hanover Band, Orchestra of the Sixteen, Gabrielli Consorrt, City of London Sinfonia, Orchestra of St John’s and a number of chamber music events.
Highly recommended! Ivan is my go to choice for reeds!
Thomas Rinknovembre 2020
“Moin Ivan,
Deine Rohre für mein wunderbares altes anonymes Barockfagott sind einfach großartig – keine Probleme in Höhe und Tiefe. Vielen Dank! Herzliche Grüße aus dem schönen Nordfriesland!”
Brian Sewellfebbraio 2020
Having played a Heckel, in London, for my whole career, I have now retired, sold the Heckel and am playing a Buffet. Your reeds, Ivan, are excellent on this instrument and give me much confidence in my (now amateur) playing,
The tone and intonation and even and strong yet flexible over the whole register.
I have also played baroque instruments (Parker of London c1791) and a period classic bassoon by Adler of Paris, around 1825. I will try reeds for those early instruments later. Bravo Ivan, I am very impressed!
Best Wishes from Brian
Marieke Stordiaumaggio 2018
Hi Ivan, you make me happy!
Some weeks ago I asked you for a flexible, bending and stable well tuned reed:
Now I can say I found all this good propertys in your reeds!
I am really happy, your reeds are a great support for me!
For me the fun of playing bassoon is: Making nice flexible sound and blend with the others.
Playing on your reeds I feel comfortable to play as I like.
So thank you so much for making this nice reeds for me!
Warm greetings,
Marieke Stordiau
Douçot Davidsettembre 2017
Mon professeur me disait toujours: “le moral dans la boîte d’anches”.
Avec Ivan, j’ai le moral tous les jours !
Michael Meindlfebbraio 2017
Ivan hat mir für mein Rankett Rohre gemacht, die einfach perfekt sind – Das Instrument hat noch nie so gut geklungen!
Vielen Dank an Dich Ivan!
Miki Egurogennaio 2017
Ivan’s reeds produce a warm rich sound and they are responsive for good attacks. I recommend them to any player at any level.
Thank you, Ivan!
Alejandro Aizenbergagosto 2016
Dear Ivan, I play bassoons (modern and historical) in Córdoba,Argentina The reeds for classical and baroque bassoon that you sent to me are beatufully made, they sound great, have very stable pitch, very nice sound…I will try very soon your contra and modern bassoon reeds…and why not your dulcian reeds! I am already looking forward to do that.Congratulations for your work, and thanks for your kindness.
Robert Lohrgiugno 2016
Hallo Ivan , Vielen Dank für die phantastischen Fagott und Barockfagott Rohre. Es macht Spass auf deinen Rohren zu spielen. Die Rohre und die Gute Arbeit kann man nur empfehlen. Liebe Grüsse Robert
Salvatore Arenagiugno 2016
Ance precise, dal suono abbondante, molto utili e preziose, grazie Ivan!
Sophie Dartigalonguemaggio 2016
Highly recommended! Contrebasson as well as bassoon reeds are reliable and of the best quality Thanks !
Jacopo Cristianimarzo 2016
I’ve been using Ivan’s contrabassoon reeds for almost four years and I can say that they are without any doubts the best (and cheapest!) contrabassoon reeds on the market: dark, round, powerful sound and very flexible at the same time. Same goes for his bassoon reeds and I’m really looking forward to try the contraforte reeds and the baroque reeds i’ve just ordered! Also very important: when I place an order I receive it in no time, usually within one week! Great quality and short delivery time, what could I ask more? Grazie Ivan! Greetings from Cottbus, Germany
Felipe Destéfanomarzo 2016
Ich bin sehr froh darauf, dass ich Ivans Rohre kennengelernt habe. Seine Rohre geben dem Musiker die gewünschten Freiheit, Klangfarbe und Stärke, die zumindest für mich wichtig sind. Aller Achtung, lieber Ivan.
Trevor Szefebbraio 2016
My one-stop reed solution for all my bassoons – baroque, classical, modern, contra, French (and in future dulcian)! I have purchased more than 10 kinds of reeds from Ivan and all of them delivers ecstasy. It is so nice to know that I always have Ivan to fall back on for reeds, especially since he responds immediately and is very accommodating to my (often) rush orders. Ivan’s reeds are all so modestly priced, this is not to say they are not of good quality, on the contrary I think it is a reflection of his expertise – he can churn out high standard reeds at such incredible speeds it is no effort to him, he doesn’t feel he has to charge you an arm and a leg for his work! Above all, Ivan is a full of humour and very nice to chat with. I hope to meet him in the near future, either there over schnitzel or here over chilli crab.
Big thank you from Singapore.
Andor Csonkagennaio 2016
Seit mehreren Jahren spiele ich immer wieder auf Rohren von Ivan Calestani. Sie zeichnen sich durch einen fokussierten, dunklen Klang sowie einer wunderbaren Flexibilität aus. Das angenehme Spielgefühl kombiniert mit einer grossen dynamischen Bandbreite ermöglichen jene professionellen Resultate, die jeder Fagottist erwartet. Sehr empfehlenswert!!!
Javier Zafragennaio 2016
Since I have tried Ivan’s reeds I realize, considering the perfection of his product, that reed making is a very serious full time job and that after having played on these reeds already for some years, I have also discovered the flexibility and the color of sound that Mozart might have had in mind. Grazie tante, Ivan.
Moritz Nuskonovembre 2015
Setup für Mozarts Fagottkonzert: 13000er-Heckel, Rohre von Ivanreeds. Perfekte Voraussetzungen für ein entspanntes Konzert!!
Lucia Yungottobre 2015
Caro Ivan. Uso le tue ance da anni. Mi hai salvato la vita! Recentemente ho fatto il concerto Di Mozart con orchestra, é stato un vero successo! Grazie.
Moritz Nuskosettembre 2015
Ich habe 6 Rohre für ein Heckel bekommen! Alle Top!! Danke nochmals!
Flavio Baruzzisettembre 2015
Caro Ivan, le tue ance sono molto facili da usare in orchestra, equilibrate in tutti i registri e con un suono morbido e pieno. Bravo!
Dana Karmongiugno 2015
Dear Ivan,
The concerts I have played using your reeds are too many to count! The varaiety of forms allowing to find a perfect match for each instrument, together with a cane quality which brings out so many colors ( and can be easily personalized!) are of a great satisfaction…Thank you for your always quick and kind service,
Sei il mio spacciatore preferito… Dana
Fabio Morbidellimaggio 2015
Le ance per controfagotto che mi invia Ivan sono di ottima qualità: il materiale è selezionato con attenzione e sono costruite con sapienza. Le uso spesso nell’Orchestra del teatro dell’Opera di Roma
José Tataymaggio 2015
Congratulations Ivan. Your reeds are fantastic. Playing at the orchestra is easier with your reeds. Un abbraccio
Wladimir Weimermarzo 2015
Dear Ivan,
Your ready-made contrabassoon reeds are wonderful. Thanks for such a good work!With all my friendship,
Alberto Grazzifebbraio 2015
Since I have been taught to make reeds myself, I have always considered ready made reeds as a second choice. Using Ivan’s reeds I became convinced that his reeds are good not only for “emergencies” but also for professional use, saving time which can be put into practicing. I can now concentrate on preparing concerts without the panic or doubt of whether or not I’ll get there with a good reed.
Vicente Morosfebbraio 2015
Ivan Congratulations !!!! Your reeds are very stable and its flexible. With a full sound and many harmonics. Very good job, congratulations.
Greetings from Spain
Stanislav Kateninfebbraio 2015
Dear friend,Ivan!Your reeds is very good and quality is perfect!We can to find reeds for any test!Thank you and I wish to you all the best!
Giovanni Graziadiogennaio 2015
I don’t go anywhere without your fantastic reeds in my reed box! Dear Ivan, thank you very much for the fantastic work you are doing!
Un abbraccio, Gio.
Daniele Damianogennaio 2015
Ottime ance, non faticose, facili da controllare e con un bel suono pieno. Bravo Ivan !!
Andrey Lokalenkovgennaio 2015
My name is Andrew Lokalenkov. I am the principal bassoon in the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre. Two months ago I changed the bassoon from Pühner to Mёnig, and realized with horror that reeds on which I played Pühner absolutely not suitable for Mёnig. I helped my friend bassoonist Stanislav Katenin. He gave me the address of Ivan and four types of reeds, proposed by Ivan I was approached by three. Now I enjoy the opportunity to use different sounds for different music. I am very glad to meet with Ivan. I look forward to a long partnership.
Fabio Barbierigennaio 2015
Ciao Ivan, Come sai la mia attività di fagottista non è propriamente convenzionale: le tue ance fanno si che io possa sperimentare e affrontare ogni genere musicale con grande soddisfazione. L’ampia gamma di modelli che puoi fornire mi consente di trovare la giusta intonazione e il giusto colore su tutte le dinamiche in tutte le ottave.
Grazie e a presto.
John Falconegennaio 2015
Thanks for the carefully-built, consistent, beautiful reeds, Ivan! They are full of life and sound fantastic.
Michele Gadiolidicembre 2024
Le ance di Ivan sono state una rivelazione. Ho trovato esattamente quello di cui necessitavo ed è stato molto bello poter sviluppare un modello personalizzato. Spero che la nostra collaborazione possa essere utile anche ad altri fagottisti che si approcciano al sistema francese.
Un caro saluto
Akio TSUJIsettembre 2024
Mr Ivan’s fantastic reeds sound great on my baroque bassoon with mellow and authentic sounds. Besides, any other reeds (e.g. old buffet) are also much better than expected. I always treat my orders promptly. They are easy to get even if I live in Japan.
Chris Rawleymaggio 2023
Excellent reeds. Every Reed I have received has worked very well indeed.
Ivan is hugely knowledgeable and has been available to suggest reeds that would suit my instruments. He has also been able to tailor the reeds to my specific needs.
I have used reeds on my Baroque Bassoon (Denner), Classicla (Savary), Romantic (Alder, Hecke, Buffet) and my modern instrument (Heckel 14000)
I have used his reeds in the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Hanover Band, Orchestra of the Sixteen, Gabrielli Consorrt, City of London Sinfonia, Orchestra of St John’s and a number of chamber music events.
Highly recommended! Ivan is my go to choice for reeds!
Thomas Rinknovembre 2020
“Moin Ivan,
Deine Rohre für mein wunderbares altes anonymes Barockfagott sind einfach großartig – keine Probleme in Höhe und Tiefe. Vielen Dank! Herzliche Grüße aus dem schönen Nordfriesland!”
Brian Sewellfebbraio 2020
Having played a Heckel, in London, for my whole career, I have now retired, sold the Heckel and am playing a Buffet. Your reeds, Ivan, are excellent on this instrument and give me much confidence in my (now amateur) playing,
The tone and intonation and even and strong yet flexible over the whole register.
I have also played baroque instruments (Parker of London c1791) and a period classic bassoon by Adler of Paris, around 1825. I will try reeds for those early instruments later. Bravo Ivan, I am very impressed!
Best Wishes from Brian
Marieke Stordiaumaggio 2018
Hi Ivan, you make me happy!
Some weeks ago I asked you for a flexible, bending and stable well tuned reed:
Now I can say I found all this good propertys in your reeds!
I am really happy, your reeds are a great support for me!
For me the fun of playing bassoon is: Making nice flexible sound and blend with the others.
Playing on your reeds I feel comfortable to play as I like.
So thank you so much for making this nice reeds for me!
Warm greetings,
Marieke Stordiau
Douçot Davidsettembre 2017
Mon professeur me disait toujours: “le moral dans la boîte d’anches”.
Avec Ivan, j’ai le moral tous les jours !
Michael Meindlfebbraio 2017
Ivan hat mir für mein Rankett Rohre gemacht, die einfach perfekt sind – Das Instrument hat noch nie so gut geklungen!
Vielen Dank an Dich Ivan!
Miki Egurogennaio 2017
Ivan’s reeds produce a warm rich sound and they are responsive for good attacks. I recommend them to any player at any level.
Thank you, Ivan!
Alejandro Aizenbergagosto 2016
Dear Ivan, I play bassoons (modern and historical) in Córdoba,Argentina The reeds for classical and baroque bassoon that you sent to me are beatufully made, they sound great, have very stable pitch, very nice sound…I will try very soon your contra and modern bassoon reeds…and why not your dulcian reeds! I am already looking forward to do that.Congratulations for your work, and thanks for your kindness.
Robert Lohrgiugno 2016
Hallo Ivan ,
Vielen Dank für die phantastischen Fagott und Barockfagott Rohre. Es macht Spass auf deinen Rohren zu spielen.
Die Rohre und die Gute Arbeit kann man nur empfehlen.
Liebe Grüsse Robert
Salvatore Arenagiugno 2016
Ance precise, dal suono abbondante, molto utili e preziose, grazie Ivan!
Sophie Dartigalonguemaggio 2016
Highly recommended!
Contrebasson as well as bassoon reeds are reliable and of the best quality
Thanks !
Jacopo Cristianimarzo 2016
I’ve been using Ivan’s contrabassoon reeds for almost four years and I can say that they are without any doubts the best (and cheapest!) contrabassoon reeds on the market: dark, round, powerful sound and very flexible at the same time. Same goes for his bassoon reeds and I’m really looking forward to try the contraforte reeds and the baroque reeds i’ve just ordered! Also very important: when I place an order I receive it in no time, usually within one week! Great quality and short delivery time, what could I ask more? Grazie Ivan! Greetings from Cottbus, Germany
Felipe Destéfanomarzo 2016
Ich bin sehr froh darauf, dass ich Ivans Rohre kennengelernt habe. Seine Rohre geben dem Musiker die gewünschten Freiheit, Klangfarbe und Stärke, die zumindest für mich wichtig sind. Aller Achtung, lieber Ivan.
Trevor Szefebbraio 2016
My one-stop reed solution for all my bassoons – baroque, classical, modern, contra, French (and in future dulcian)! I have purchased more than 10 kinds of reeds from Ivan and all of them delivers ecstasy. It is so nice to know that I always have Ivan to fall back on for reeds, especially since he responds immediately and is very accommodating to my (often) rush orders. Ivan’s reeds are all so modestly priced, this is not to say they are not of good quality, on the contrary I think it is a reflection of his expertise – he can churn out high standard reeds at such incredible speeds it is no effort to him, he doesn’t feel he has to charge you an arm and a leg for his work! Above all, Ivan is a full of humour and very nice to chat with. I hope to meet him in the near future, either there over schnitzel or here over chilli crab.
Big thank you from Singapore.
Andor Csonkagennaio 2016
Seit mehreren Jahren spiele ich immer wieder auf Rohren von Ivan Calestani. Sie zeichnen sich durch einen fokussierten, dunklen Klang sowie einer wunderbaren Flexibilität aus. Das angenehme Spielgefühl kombiniert mit einer grossen dynamischen Bandbreite ermöglichen jene professionellen Resultate, die jeder Fagottist erwartet. Sehr empfehlenswert!!!
Javier Zafragennaio 2016
Since I have tried Ivan’s reeds I realize, considering the perfection of his product, that reed making is a very serious full time job and that after having played on these reeds already for some years, I have also discovered the flexibility and the color of sound that Mozart might have had in mind.
Grazie tante, Ivan.
Moritz Nuskonovembre 2015
Setup für Mozarts Fagottkonzert: 13000er-Heckel, Rohre von Ivanreeds.
Perfekte Voraussetzungen für ein entspanntes Konzert!!
Lucia Yungottobre 2015
Caro Ivan. Uso le tue ance da anni. Mi hai salvato la vita! Recentemente ho fatto il concerto Di Mozart con orchestra, é stato un vero successo! Grazie.
Moritz Nuskosettembre 2015
Ich habe 6 Rohre für ein Heckel bekommen! Alle Top!! Danke nochmals!
Flavio Baruzzisettembre 2015
Caro Ivan, le tue ance sono molto facili da usare in orchestra, equilibrate in tutti i registri e con un suono morbido e pieno. Bravo!
Dana Karmongiugno 2015
Dear Ivan,
The concerts I have played using your reeds are too many to count!
The varaiety of forms allowing to find a perfect match for each instrument, together with a cane quality which brings out so many colors ( and can be easily personalized!) are of a great satisfaction…Thank you for your always quick and kind service,
Sei il mio spacciatore preferito…
Fabio Morbidellimaggio 2015
Le ance per controfagotto che mi invia Ivan sono di ottima qualità: il materiale è selezionato con attenzione e sono costruite con sapienza. Le uso spesso nell’Orchestra del teatro dell’Opera di Roma
José Tataymaggio 2015
Congratulations Ivan. Your reeds are fantastic. Playing at the orchestra is easier with your reeds. Un abbraccio
Wladimir Weimermarzo 2015
Dear Ivan,
Your ready-made contrabassoon reeds are wonderful. Thanks for such a good work!With all my friendship,
Alberto Grazzifebbraio 2015
Since I have been taught to make reeds myself, I have always considered ready made reeds as a second choice. Using Ivan’s reeds I became convinced that his reeds are good not only for “emergencies” but also for professional use, saving time which can be put into practicing.
I can now concentrate on preparing concerts without the panic or doubt of whether or not I’ll get there with a good reed.
Vicente Morosfebbraio 2015
Ivan Congratulations !!!! Your reeds are very stable and its flexible. With a full sound and many harmonics. Very good job, congratulations.
Greetings from Spain
Stanislav Kateninfebbraio 2015
Dear friend,Ivan!Your reeds is very good and quality is perfect!We can to find reeds for any test!Thank you and I wish to you all the best!
Giovanni Graziadiogennaio 2015
I don’t go anywhere without your fantastic reeds in my reed box! Dear Ivan, thank you very much for the fantastic work you are doing!
Un abbraccio,
Daniele Damianogennaio 2015
Ottime ance, non faticose, facili da controllare e con un bel suono pieno.
Bravo Ivan !!
Andrey Lokalenkovgennaio 2015
My name is Andrew Lokalenkov. I am the principal bassoon in the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre. Two months ago I changed the bassoon from Pühner to Mёnig, and realized with horror that reeds on which I played Pühner absolutely not suitable for Mёnig. I helped my friend bassoonist Stanislav Katenin. He gave me the address of Ivan and four types of reeds, proposed by Ivan I was approached by three. Now I enjoy the opportunity to use different sounds for different music. I am very glad to meet with Ivan. I look forward to a long partnership.
Fabio Barbierigennaio 2015
Ciao Ivan,
Come sai la mia attività di fagottista non è propriamente convenzionale: le tue ance fanno si che io possa sperimentare e affrontare ogni genere musicale con grande soddisfazione. L’ampia gamma di modelli che puoi fornire mi consente di trovare la giusta intonazione e il giusto colore su tutte le dinamiche in tutte le ottave.
Grazie e a presto.
John Falconegennaio 2015
Thanks for the carefully-built, consistent, beautiful reeds, Ivan! They are full of life and sound fantastic.
Cheers from Spain,